Why does BIOS load boot code from 0x7c00?
Analyzing MBR Malware
Exploring Docker Misconfigurations
TryHackMe DevSecOps CTF walkthrough
TryHackMe AWS EC2 Walkthrough
TryHackMe AWS S3 Walkthrough
Ideas for adapting to A.I. plagiarism in the classroom
DUCTF 2023 writeup for 'onebyte'
Troubleshooting buffer overflows in your vulnerable 32-bit binary
DUCTF 2023 writeup for 'confusing'
Revisiting Telegram's Security Protocol (MTProto)
Reflections on Tenable's CTF (2022)
Circumventing TLS
Daily Nist Nvd Parser
Hacking JWTs with Portswigger Academy
Voting Protocol
Go Best Practices
Finding Subnet Info
A simple Cisco network with two routers
Iterative Mergesort Linked List
Using a macro to get an array length in C
Gpt2 Simple Walkthrough
Developing for the USF Hackathon 2021
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